theo grassl logo on a piece of paper

University lecturer


a black and white photo of a man in a suit

„We cannot teach people anything. We can only help them discover it within themselves.”

(Galileo Galilei)

As a professor for Fashion Brand Management in Florence and Lecturer at Universities and

Academies, I’m teaching Brand-, Media-, Communication- and International Management -

both in german and english Bachelor and Master programs.

The focus of my teaching is on innovative, disruptive methods and approaches to analyze

and optimize the existing, as well as to fundamentally create something new.

Teaching at:

• Polimoda Fashion Institute Florence

• IED – Instituto Europeo di Design Florence

• AMD – Akademie für Mode und Design

• Hochschule Macromedia, University of Applied Sciences

• University Krems Austria

• University of Media, Communication and Business (HMKW) Berlin

• Universitity of Economy Bavaria (HDBW) Munich

• NYU New York University